Copyright 2024 - Controvento Società Cooperativa Sociale O.N.L.U.S., Via Calcinaro 1458 - 47522 Cesena (FC)

Training services, research and documentation, design support for thematic multi-stakeholder actions addressed to Emilia-Romagna CEAS

This meta-project grew out of the integrated experience of eco&eco, Controvento and Focus Lab and reflection on the meaning of doing sustainability education.

In a complex world governed by interdependencies, the environmental issue and sustainability goals have taken on a central, cross-cutting role in all branches of human endeavor: politics, economics, society, culture. The role of CEAS from marginal has become essential and useful interface between public administrations, civil society, schools, research and business.

In this holistic view, the research-action fields can no longer be kept separate. At the training and educational level, they need to be integrated with each other to offer a complex view of reality and articulated methods of problem solving. The reductionist approach, a useful tool for analysis and knowledge, must be reinforced by multidisciplinary approaches and modes of operation capable of acting effectively on multiple levels and in dialogue with all stakeholders. For these reasons and in an emblematic way, the present proposal merges four fields of action-research into a single syncretic design with the aim of opening a track of work and insights useful to raise awareness about the crucial role of sustainability education and CEAS, to strengthen its vision capacity and to improve the effectiveness of the pedagogical tools available to the RES Network.

The meta-project has several multi-level objectives:

  • Integrate the interdisciplinary working group, coordinated by Arpae's Regional Thematic Center for Sustainability Education (CTR), with the expertise of the proponents to develop and prepare tools and initiatives in the four identified action-research fields: Agenda 2030 and stakeholder engagement, Circular economy and plastic free, Sustainable tourism, Social landscapes.
  • Align widespread knowledge among CEAS with respect to the implications of the SDGs and the identified research-action fields for their own territorial education and animation activities.
  • Update on multi-stakeholder practices in implementation of the SDGs and research-action fields, from PA, businesses, business networks, Foundations, nonprofit world on a national and regional scale.
  • Provide examples on different management approaches in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and action-research fields at different stages and activities: assessment, strategies, action plans, engagement.
  • Support to strengthen local participation/engagement actions initiated.

The proposal starts from the national and regional context of several plans and processes initiated of reference in implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda:

  • INFEAS Regional Sustainability Information and Education Program 2020/2022
  • The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD).
  • The Emilia-Romagna Sustainable Development Strategy, in line with the Climate and Jobs Pact
  • The Local Agenda 2030 Forums - Arpae Emilia-Romagna, preceded by training webinars and project work involving the CEAS of the regional network
  • Initiatives by other Stakeholders businesses, third sector, foundations, ...)
  • Regional #Plastic-freER strategy - Regional Law 16/2015 "Circular Economy"
  • National strategy for circular economy
  • EU Action Plans for the Circular Economy (2015 and 2020)
  • Directive 904/2019 on plastics
  • United Nations Women Agency Report
  • Agenda for sustainable and competitive European Tourism
  • Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service
  • Emilia-Romagna Region Programming on Sustainable Tourism under the FESR and the FEASR

Methodological approach of the proposal:

  • Transdisciplinary approach
  • Integration of the four research-action fields during training activities
  • Reconnaissance and state of the art of CEAS planning within the fields of research-action, in itinere monitoring of activities and ex post verification-evaluation of training and work-project activities
  • Training articulated in case studies and co-design workshop activities



